
时间:2022-05-04 11:24:54

上古卷轴5物品代码:1、0010E44B MGRArniel04SoulGem;2、0010CC6A TG01HaelgaStatuePost;3、0010C762 TGTQ03ValueItem。




player.additem FormID # 添加物品#个

player.removeitem FormID # 移除物品#个


0010E44B MGRArniel04SoulGem (Warped Soul Gem) 扭曲的灵魂宝石

0010CC6A TG01HaelgaStatuePost (Statue of Dibella) 迪贝拉的雕像

0010C762 TGTQ03ValueItem (Do Not Delete)

001092B8 TG08EyeoftheFalmerRight (Right Eye of the Falmer)

00105A4E MS11YsgramorsSoupSpoon (Ysgramor's Soup Spoon) Ysgramor的汤勺

001058AA BalbusForkNonEquip (Balbus's Fork) Balbus的叉

00105177 Flute01 (Flute) 长笛

00105109 DancersFlute (The Dancer's Flute)

00104B40 BasicKnife01 (Do Not Delete)

00104B3F BasicFork01 (Do Not Delete)

00103370 TGCrownValueItem (Do Not Delete)

000FED17 WineSolitudeSpicedBottleEmpty (Empty Wine Bottle)空酒瓶

000FE6A9 WerewolfPelt (Werewolf Pelt)狼人佩尔

000FBC3D dunUniqueMothInJar (Moth in a Jar)在罐子里的蛾

000FBC3C dunUniqueButterflyInJar (Butterfly in a Jar)在罐子里的蝴蝶

000FBC3B dunUniqueDragonflyInJar (Dragonfly in a Jar)在罐子里的蜻蜓

000FBC3A dunUniqueFireflyInJar (Torchbug in a Jar)

000F6767 dunWaywardPassSkull01 (Ancient Traveler's Skull)古代旅行者的头骨

000F5D0A Saw01 (Saw) 锯子

000F5D08 Pitchfork002 (Pitchfork)干草叉

000F5D07 Pitchfork001 (Pitchfork)干草叉

000F5D06 Shovel02 (Shovel)铲

000F5D05 Shovel01 (Shovel)铲

000F583A SilverPlatter01IdleFood (Centurion Dynamo Core)

000F5839 SilverPlatter01IdleCups (Centurion Dynamo Core)

000F4983 DwarvenCenturionDynamo (Centurion Dynamo Core)

000F257D MS14FlagonA (Michaela's Flagon)麦克拉的酒壶

000D4BE7 FoxPeltSnow (Snow Fox Pelt)雪狐皮

000D4B35 FoxPelt (Fox Pelt)狐皮

000F2015 WineBottle02BEmpty (Empty Wine Bottle)空酒瓶

000F2014 WineBottle02AEmpty (Empty Wine Bottle)空酒瓶

000F2013 WineBottle01BEmpty (Empty Wine Bottle)空酒瓶

000F2012 WineBottle01AEmpty (Empty Wine Bottle)空酒瓶

000F1491 CR10SilverHandPlansStatic (Silver Hand Stratagem)

000F08FB GlazedBowl02Nordic (Bowl)碗

000F08FA GlazedBowl01Nordic (Bowl)碗

000F08F9 GlazedGoblet01Nordic (Goblet)杯

000F08F8 GlazedCup01Nordic (Cup)杯

000F08F7 GlazedPot02Nordic (Pot)锅

000F08F6 GlazedPot01Nordic (Pot)锅

000F08F5 GlazedPlate01Nordic (Plate)板

000F08F3 GlazedJugSmall01Nordic (Jug)罐

000F08F1 GlazedJugLarge01Nordic (Jug)罐

000F03F8 dunAlftandEmptySkoomaBottle (Empty Skooma Bottle)

000ED417 dunReachwaterRockEmeraldDragonClaw (Emerald Dragon Claw)

000EAFDD MehrunesRazorBlade (Mehrune's Razor Blade)

000EAFDC MehrunesRazorHilt (Mehrune's Razor Hilt)

000EAFDB MehrunesRazorGem (Mehrune's Razor Gem)

000EAFD7 MehrunesRazorScabbard (Mehrune's Razor Scabbard)

000EA5C5 TGRGeneralValueItem (Do Not Delete)

000E77BB SolitudeToryggWarHorn (Torygg's War Horn)

000E49F8 FFSS02VernerSatchel (Verner's Satchel)

000E49F7 FFSS02SylgjaSatchel (Sylgja's Satchel)

000E3148 CRTotem3 (Werewolf Totem)

000E3147 CRTotem2 (Werewolf Totem)

000E3146 CRTotem1 (Werewolf Totem)

000DB351 C05FragmentSack (Fragments of Wuuthrad)

000DABAB Lute (Lute)琵琶

000DABA9 Drum (Drum)鼓

000DABA7 Flute (Flute)长笛

000DAB04 FFI04Sack (Klimmek's Supplies)

000D955A **BasketDrop (** Basket)

000D8E43 TGFenceCaravanSatchel (Satchel of Moon Sugar)

000D0756 MGRDragonHeartScales (Dragon Heartscales)

000C7316 TGRFOValueItem (Do Not Delete)

000C04BB FVDQuill (Quill of Gemination)

000BFB09 Coal01 (Charcoal)

000BBCD5 MQ106DragonParchment (Map of Dragon Burials)

000B08C7 dunUniqueBeeInJar (Bee in a Jar)

000AD06F E3DemoMQ103Dragonstone (Dragonstone)

000AADB7 dunRagnTorstensKey (Torsten's Skull Key)

000AADB6 dunRagnSaereksKey (Saerek's Skull Key)

0009BAF8 Basket06 (Basket)

000999E7 E3GoldenClaw (Golden Claw)

0004C3C8 Quill01 (Quill)

0004C3C6 Inkwell01 (Inkwell)

0008632C Glazed02Jug01 (Jug)

0008632A Glazed02Urn01 (strange crystal)

0006F3AA DA09Crystal (strange crystal)

00064298 YsgramorsBladePiece12 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

00064296 YsgramorsBladePiece11 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

00064294 YsgramorsBladePiece10 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

00064292 YsgramorsBladePiece09 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

00064290 YsgramorsBladePiece08 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

0006428E YsgramorsBladePiece07 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

0006428B YsgramorsBladePiece06 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

00064289 YsgramorsBladePiece05 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

00064287 YsgramorsBladePiece04 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

00064285 YsgramorsBladePiece03 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

00064283 YsgramorsBladePiece02 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

0005C09E WRTempleTreeSaplingSample01 (Gildergreen Sapling)

0005B2DF FFRiften17OreSample (Quicksilver Ore)

00043E28 FFRiften14Spoon (Wylandriah's Spoon)

00043E27 FFRiften14Ingot (Orichalcum Ingot)

00041F95 FFRiften11Mark (Mark of Dibella)

00025D7C DwarvenUrn01 (Dwemer Bowl)

00025CFE DwarvenPot01 (Dwemer Bowl)

00025C68 DwarvenBowl03 (Dwemer Bowl)

00025C13 DwarvenBowl02 (Dwemer Bowl)

00020949 DBTortureTools (Torture Tools)

000200BA ImperialWarHorn (Imperial War Horn)

000200B6 NordWarHorn (Nord War Horn)

000E72B0 IronSwordBrokenTop (Broken Iron Sword Blade)

000E72AE IronSwordBrokenHandle (Broken Iron Sword Handle)

000E72AC IronMaceBrokenTop (Broken Iron Mace Head)

000E72AA IronMaceBrokenHandle (Broken Iron Mace Handle)

000E72A8 IronWarAxeBrokenTop (Broken Iron War Axe Head)

000E72A6 IronWarAxeBrokenHandle (Broken Iron War Axe Handle)

000E72A4 SteelWarhammerBrokenHandle (Broken Steel Warhammer Handle)

000E72A2 SteelWarhammerBrokenTop (Broken Steel Warhammer Head)

000E72A0 SteelBattleAxeBrokenHandle (Broken Steel Battle Axe Handle)

000E729E SteelBattleAxeBrokenTop (Broken Steel Battle Axe Head)

000E729C SteelGreatswordBrokenHandle (Broken Steel Greatsword Handle)

000E729A SteelGreatswordBrokenTop (Broken Steel Greatsword Blade)

000E7298 SteelSwordBrokenHandle (Broken Steel Sword Handle)

000E7296 SteelSwordBrokenTop (Broken Steel Sword Blade)

000E4897 RuinedBook02 (Ruined Book)

000E42E1 SilverCandleStick03Off (Candlestick)

000E42E0 SilverCandleStick02Off (Candlestick)

000E42DF SilverCandleStick01Off (Candlestick)

000E3CB7 BurnedBook01 (Burned Book)

000E2618 BasicPlate02 (Plate)

000E2617 BasicPlate01 (Plate)

000E1FC3 DwarvenBowl01 (Dwemer Bowl)

000E1FBD DA16TorporIngredient03a (Torpor Ingredient 3)

000E1FBC DA16TorporIngredient02a (Torpor Ingredient 2)

000E1FBB DA16TorporIngredient01a (Torpor Ingredient 1)

000DF202 MQ103Dragonstone (Dragonstone)

000DC530 CWDocumentsImperial (Imperial Documents)

000DC52E CWDocumentsSons (StormCloak Documents)

000DB8A2 IngotDwarven (Dwarven Metal Ingot)

000DB5D2 Leather01 (Leather)

000DA74D TGCrownComplete (Barenziahs Crown)

000DA735 dunMiddenRingBalwen (Balwen's Ornamental Ring)

000DA734 dunMiddenRingPithiken (Pithi's Ornamental Ring)

000DA733 dunMiddenRingKatarina (Katarina's Ornamental Ring)

000DA732 dunMiddenRingTreoy (Treoy's Ornamental Ring)

000D363B sigilStone (Sigil Stone)

000D284D DeerHide02 (Deer Hide)

000CF89E DeerPelt (Deer Pelt)

000CE70B RuinedBook (Ruined Book)

000CC84D BloodyRags01 (Bloody Rags)

000C8878 DwarvenLargeScrap3 (Large Decorative Dwemer Strut)

000C8874 DwarvenLargeScrap2 (Solid Dwemer Metal)

000C8872 DwarvenLargeScrap (Large Dwemer Strut)

000C8870 DwarvenScrapLever02 (Small Dwemer Lever)

000C886E DwarvenScrapLever (Dwemer Lever)

000C886C DwarvenScrapBent (Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal)

000C886A DwarvenScrapMetal (Dwemer Scrap Metal)

000C8868 DwarvenGyro (Dwemer Gyro)

000C8866 DwarvenPlateMetalSmall (Small Dwemer Plate Metal)

000C8864 DwarvenPlateMetalLarge (Large Dwemer Plate Metal)

000C8861 DwarvenGear (Dwemer Gear)

000C4F2E MS12PotionBottle (Nurelion's Mixture)

000B9BE0 GlazedCandles01 (Jug)

000B9BDE GlazedJugSmall01 (Jug)

000B9BDC GlazedCup01 (Cup)

000B9BDA GlazedGoblet01 (Goblet)

000B9BD8 GlazedBowl02 (Bowl)

000B9BD6 GlazedJugLarge01 (Jug)

000B9BD4 GlazedPot02 (Pot)

000B9BD2 GlazedPot01 (Pot)

000B9BD0 GlazedPlate01 (Plate)

000B9BCC GlazedBowl01 (Bowl)

000ABD30 BasketCarry (Basket)

00019958 TGLT02QueenBeeStatue (Queen Bee Statue)

00019954 TGLT07GrayFoxBust (Bust of the Gray Fox)

00019952 TGLT03HonningbrewDecanter (Honningbrew Decanter)

0001994F TGLT08EyeoftheFalmerLeft (Left Eye of the Falmer)

00044E8B TGRShipModel (Golden Ship Model)

00044E70 Flagon (Flagon)

00044E6E TGRPitcher (Jeweled Pitcher)

00044E6C TGRGoblet (Jeweled Goblet)

00044E6A TGRCandlestick (Jeweled Candlestick)

00044E67 TGRFlagon (Jeweled Flagon)

00044E65 TGRDrinkingHorn (Ornate Drinking Horn)

00044E63 TGRGoldenUrn (Golden Urn)

0003A3E4 MS04DweLexiconCubeCorrupt01 (Lexicon)

0003A3DD DA04DweLexiconCubeRunes01 (Runed Lexicon)

0003A3D2 DA04DweLexiconCubeBlank01 (Blank Lexicon)

00098627 SilverBowl02 (Bowl)

00098626 SilverBowl01 (Bowl)

00098625 SilverPlatter01 (Platter)

00098624 SilverPlate01 (Plate)

00098623 SilverJug01 (Jug)

00098621 SilverGoblet02 (Goblet)

00098620 SilverGoblet01 (Goblet)

00075868 dunFrostflowAbyssHabdsSkull (Habd's Remains)

000747FE Bucket02b (Bucket)

000747FB Bucket02a (Bucket)

0005E8AD SovRoastOxHead01 (Roasted Ox Head)

0005E52A SovRoastOxLeg01 (Roasted Ox Leg)

0005CAE1 BlacksmithHammer01 (Hammer)

0005CAE0 BlacksmithTongs01 (Tongs)

0005CADF BlacksmithBellows01 (Bellows)

0004286C DA15PelagiusHipBone (Pelagius' Hip Bone)

0003532C DA04AttunementSphere (Attunement Sphere)

00027F15 DwarvenHighPlate01 (Dwemer Plate)

00027F12 DwarvenHighPot01 (Dwemer Pan)

00027F09 DwarvenHighCup03 (Dwemer Cup)

00027F08 DwarvenHighCup02 (Dwemer Cup)

00027F07 DwarvenHighCup01 (Dwemer Cup)

00027F06 DwarvenHighBowl02 (Dwemer Dish)

00027F03 DwarvenHighBowl01 (Dwemer Pan)

000B634C dunYngolBarrowCoralClaw (Coral Dragon Claw)

000AF5FD BoneHumanSkullFull (Skull)

000AEBF7 DwarvenKnife (Knife)刀

000AEBF4 DwarvenSpoon (Spoon)勺

000AEBF3 DwarvenFork (Fork)叉

000AEBF1 DwarvenCog (Dwemer Cog)

000AB7BB dunFolgunthurIvoryDragonClaw (Ivory Dragon Claw)象牙龙爪

000AB375 dunSkuldafnDiamondClaw (Diamond Claw)钻石爪

000AA03E TGTQ01Candlestick (Silver Candlestick)银烛台

000A34F8 MG07Keystone (Torc of Labyrinthian)

0009F7A6 MG06Crystal (Focusing Crystal)聚焦晶体

0009E01F MS06PotemasSkull (Potema's Skull)Potema的头骨

0009DFF5 TGCrown01 (Crown of Barenziah)

0009DFBB TGCrownGemInventory (Unusual Gem)

0009DA9E TGCoinpurseLarge (Coinpurse)

0009DA9D TGCoinpurseMed (Coinpurse)

0009DA9C TGCoinpurseSmall (Coinpurse)

0008F997 StatueDibellaGold (Dibella Statue)

0008D770 dunValthumeLungs (Opaque Vessel)

0008CDFA dunValthumeIronClaw (Iron Claw)

0006A10A MGRArniel03SoulGem4 (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石

0006A109 MGRArniel03SoulGem2 (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石

0006A108 MGRArniel03SoulGem3 (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石

0006A107 MGRArniel03SoulGem1 (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石

0006A106 MGRArniel02SoulGem (Warped Soul Gem)扭曲的灵魂宝石

000800E4 LeatherStrips (Leather Strips)

0007C260 dunForelhostGlassClaw (Glass Claw)

0005ADA1 IngotMalachite (Refined Malachite)钢锭 孔雀石

0005ADA0 IngotQuicksilver (Quicksilver Ingot) 钢锭 水银

0005AD9F IngotIMoonstone (Refined Moonstone)钢锭 月亮石

0005AD9E IngotGold (Gold Ingot) 金砖

0005AD9D IngotEbony (Ebony Ingot)乌木钢锭

0005AD99 IngotOrichalcum (Orichalcum Ingot)钢锭 Orichalcum

0005AD93 IngotCorundum (Corundum Ingot)刚玉砖

0005ACE5 IngotSteel (Steel Ingot)钢锭

0005ACE4 IngotIron (Iron Ingot)铁锭

0005ACE3 ingotSilver (Silver Ingot)银锭

0005ACE2 OreQuicksilver (Quicksilver Ore)水银矿

0005ACE1 OreMalachite (Malachite Ore)孔雀石矿石

0005ACE0 OreMoonstone (Moonstone Ore)月亮石矿石

0005ACDF OreSilver (Silver Ore)银矿石

0005ACDE OreGold (Gold Ore)金矿石

0005ACDD OreOrichalcum (Orichalcum Ore)Orichalcum矿

0005ACDC OreEbony (Ebony Ore)乌木矿

0005ACDB OreCorundum (Corundum Ore)刚玉矿

0005333B FFRiftenBlackBriarMeadKeg (Black-Briar Mead Keg)

00071CF3 OreIron (Iron Ore)铁矿石

00070BC4 CivilWarMapFlag01 (Flag)旗子

00070BC3 CivilWarMapFlag02 (Flag)旗子

0006F993 Firewood01 (Firewood)木柴

0006F266 TGLT05ShipModel (Model Ship)轮船模型

0006E806 YsgramorsBladePiece01 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)

0006C9EF T01Chalice (Statue of Dibella)迪贝拉的雕像

0006A712 SSDPackageFromDarkwater (Package for Grelka)

0006A711 SSDPackageToDarkwater (Package for Verner)

00068523 GemSapphireFlawless (Flawless Sapphire)完美的蓝宝石

00068522 gemRubyFlawless (Flawless Ruby)完美无暇的宝石

00068521 GemGarnetFlawless (Flawless Garnet)完美的石榴石

00068520 GemEmeraldFlawless (Flawless Emerald)完美的翡翠

0006851F GemDiamondFlawless (Flawless Diamond)完美无瑕的钻石

0006851E GemAmethystFlawless (Flawless Amethyst)完美的紫水晶

00067185 SoulGemPiece005 (Soul Gem Fragment)灵魂宝石碎片

00067184 SoulGemPiece004 (Soul Gem Fragment)灵魂宝石碎片

00067183 SoulGemPiece003 (Soul Gem Fragment)灵魂宝石碎片

00067182 SoulGemPiece002 (Soul Gem Fragment)灵魂宝石碎片

00067181 SoulGemPiece001 (Soul Gem Fragment)灵魂宝石碎片

00067180 ClothesIron (Clothes Iron)

0006717F Broom01 (Broom)扫帚

000663D7 FFI01Claw (Sapphire Dragon Claw)蓝宝石龙爪

00063B47 GemDiamond (Diamond)钻石

00063B46 GemAmethyst (Amethyst)紫水晶

00063B45 GemGarnet (Garnet)石榴石

00063B44 GemSapphire (Sapphire)蓝宝石

00063B43 GemEmerald (Emerald)翡翠

00063B42 GemRuby (Ruby)红宝石

00062F5A FFWinterholdAJar (Burial Urn)埋藏的缸

00059654 DB06OlavaToken (Olava's Token)

0004B56C dunDeadMensRubyDragonClaw (Ruby Dragon Claw)

00060CC2 TGLT04EastEmpireShippingRoutes (East Empire Shipping Map)

0005AF48 dunKorvanjundEbonyDragonClaw (Ebony Claw)

00056189 TestJeffL**ard (TestJeffL**ard)

0005598C TGLT06PuzzleCube (Dwemer Puzzle Cube)

0005421B TG02HoneyJar (Honey Jar)

00050E77 ShipOar01 (Heart of Winter)

0004FDB0 DB11PaymentItem (Heart of Winter)

0004E4E6 DA09Gem (Meridia's Beacon)

0004BCE0 DB09JarrinRoot (Jarrin Root)

000457AB highGateRuinsScroll (Sealed Scroll)

00044E12 TGTQ01SilverMold (Curious Silver Mold)

0004055F dunVolskyggePuzzlePiece01 (Strange Gem)

0003EC95 TG04FirebrandWineCase (Firebrand Wine Case)

0003E6BC dunValthumeBrain (Opaque Vessel)

0003E6BB dunValthumeHeart (Opaque Vessel)

0003E4AD MQ201DrinkTEMP (Colovian Brandy TEMP)

000319E5 WoodenLadle01 (Wooden Ladle)木柴包

000319E4 BoneTrollSkull01 (Troll Skull)巨魔头骨 巨人头骨

000319E3 Basic**ard01 (**ard)

0003199A BasicWoodenBowl01 (Wooden Bowl)木碗

00031941 BasicWoodenPlate01 (Wooden Plate)木制板

000318FB CastIronPotMedium01 (Cast Iron Pot)Cast Iron Pot

000318FA CastIronPotSmall01 (Cast Iron Pot)铸铁锅

000318EC Lantern01 (Lantern)灯笼

0003807B Spigot01 (Spigot)龙头

00035074 DB04aLetter (Sealed Letter)密封的信

00035073 DB04aAmulet (Jeweled Amulet)护身符

0002996F C04HagravenHead (Glenmoril Witch Head)Glenmoril女巫的头

0003ADA4 DragonBone (Dragon Bone)龙骨

0003ADA3 DragonScales (Dragon Scales)龙鳞

0003AD93 HorseHide (Horse Hide)马皮

0003AD90 DeerHide (Deer Hide)鹿皮

0003AD8F CowHide (Cow Hide)牛皮

0003AD8E GoatHide (Goat Hide)山羊皮

0003AD75 WolfIcePelt (Ice Wolf Pelt)冰狼皮

0003AD74 WolfPelt (Wolf Pelt)狼皮

0003AD6E SabreCatSnowPelt (Sabre Cat Snow Pelt)剑雪猫皮

0003AD6D SabreCatPelt (Sabre Cat Pelt)剑猫皮

0003AD6C MammothTusk (Mammoth Tusk)猛犸象牙

0003AD68 HorkerTusk (Horker Tusk)

0003AD57 ChaurusChitin (Chaurus Chitin)

0003AD54 BearSnowPelt (Snow Bear Pelt)雪熊皮毛

0003AD53 BearCavePelt (Cave Bear Pelt)洞穴熊皮毛

0003AD52 BearPelt (Bear Pelt)熊皮毛

0003A070 TG08SkeletonKey (Skeleton Key)骨架关键

00039647 MS13GoldenClaw (Golden Claw)黄金爪

00037CE9 TG07MercersPlans (Mercer's Plans)

00034CD6 RuinsLinenPile01 (Linen Wrap)亚麻包

00034CD4 RuinsScissor (Embalming Tool)

00034CD2 RuinsEmbalmingPick (Embalming Tool)

00034CD0 RuinsScrewTool (Embalming Tool)

00034CCE RuinsScalpel (Embalming Tool)

00033764 TG06Rubbing (Calcelmo's Stone Rubbing)

00033761 PaperRoll (Roll of Paper)卷纸

00033760 Charcoal (Charcoal)

0003292F MQ105Horn (Horn of Jurgen Windcaller)

00023DF8 DB03JeweledPendant (Jeweled Pendant)

0001FE9B MGR11GrandSoulGem (Petty Soul Gem)

0001CB34 DA14Ring (Wedding Ring)

0001A31C DA04Extractor (Essence Extractor)

0002C260 MS12BriarHeart (Briar Heart)

0002C25E MS12MammothTuskPowder (Mammoth Tusk Powder)

0002C25C MS12UnmeltingSnow (Unmelting Snow)

0002C25A MS12WhitePhial (The White Phial (Empty))

0002C259 MS12WhitePhialDamaged (Cracked White Phial)

0002BAAB TG03Poison (Pest Poison)

0002AC62 DA05SindingsSkin (Sinding's Skin)

00028AD9 DA01MalynsBlackSoul (Malyn's Black Soul Gem)

00028AD7 DA01AzurasStarBroken (Broken Azura's Star)

00026C31 MGR01Alembic (Tolfdir's Alembic)

000240D6 DA07MehrunesRazorScabbard (Scabbard of Mehrunes' Razor)

000240D5 DA07MehrunesRazorBlade (Shards of Mehrunes' Razor)

000240D4 DA07MehrunesRazorPommelStone (Pommel Stone of Mehrunes' Razor)

000240D3 DA07MehrunesRazorHilt (Hilt of Mehrunes' Razor)

00021EA3 TG01HaelgaStatue (Statue of Dibella)

0001F6D4 DB01Plate (Aretino Family Heirloom)

0001CB81 T03EldergleamSapling (Eldergleam Sapling)

0001C494 T03EldergleamSap (Eldergleam Sap)

0001BE15 TestBanditBossHead (Kothyr's Head)Kothyr的头

00012FEC BasketClosed01 (Basket)篮子

00012FEB Basket05 (Basket)篮子

00012FEA Basket04 (Basket)篮子

00012FE9 Basket03 (Basket)篮子

00012FE8 Basket02 (Basket)篮子

00012FE7 Basket01 (Basket)篮子

00012FE6 Kettle01 (Kettle)水壶

00012FDF Bucket01 (Bucket)桶

0000000F Gold001 (Gold)金

0000000A Lockpick (Lockpick)开锁器

01000200 overGearMISC_000A7921 (Destruction Ritual Spell)毁灭法术仪式

00010031 GearContainer(Destruction Ritual Spell)毁灭法术仪式

00000A31 01RecoverGearMISC_000A7921 (Destruction Ritual Spell)毁灭法术仪式


00043E26 FFRiften14SoulGem (Wylandriah's Soul Gem)Wylandriah的灵魂宝石

00094E40 WhiterunSoulGem (Treated Soul Gem)治疗灵魂宝石

0006A0C2 DummySoulGem (The Black Star)黑暗之星

00063B29 DA01SoulGemBlackStar (The Black Star)黑暗之星

00063B27 DA01SoulGemAzurasStar (Azura's Star)雅淑拉之星

0002E504 SoulGemBlackFilled (Black Soul Gem)黑色灵魂宝石

0002E500 SoulGemBlack (Black Soul Gem)黑色灵魂宝石

0002E4FF SoulGemGrandFilled (Grand Soul Gem)大灵魂宝石

0002E4FC SoulGemGrand (Grand Soul Gem)大灵魂宝石

0002E4FB SoulGemGreaterFilled (Greater Soul Gem)特大的灵魂宝石

0002E4F4 SoulGemGreater (Greater Soul Gem)特大的灵魂宝石

0002E4F3 SoulGemCommonFilled (Common Soul Gem)常见的灵魂宝石

0002E4E6 SoulGemCommon (Common Soul Gem)常见的灵魂宝石

0002E4E5 SoulGemLesserFilled (Lesser Soul Gem)较小的灵魂宝石

0002E4E4 SoulGemLesser (Lesser Soul Gem)较小的灵魂宝石

0002E4E3 SoulGemPettyFilled (Petty Soul Gem)小灵魂宝石

0002E4E2 SoulGemPetty (Petty Soul Gem)小灵魂宝石


0010E2DE FollowerIronArrow (Iron Arrow)铁箭

0010B0A7 boundArrow (Bound Arrow)束缚之箭

00109AB7 TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmo05 (Steel Arrow)钢箭

00109AB6 TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmo06 (Steel Arrow)钢箭

00109AB5 TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmo04 (Steel Arrow)钢箭

00109AB4 TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmo03 (Steel Arrow)钢箭

00109AB3 TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmo02 (Steel Arrow)钢箭

00105EE7 MQ101SteelArrow (Steel Arrow)钢箭

000EAFDF NordHeroArrow (Nord Hero Arrow)诺德英雄之箭

000E738A dunGeirmundSigdisArrowsIllusion (Rusty Arrow)生锈的箭

000CEE9E ForswornArrow (Forsworn Arrow)弃誓之箭

000CAB52 dunArcherPracticeArrow (Practice Arrow)练习用的箭

000961D6 dunJaphetsFollyCWCatapultAmmo (Dwemer Bolt)矮人枪栓

0007B935 DwarvenSphereBolt01 (Dwemer Bolt)矮人枪栓

0007B932 DwarvenSphereArrow (Dwarven Sphere Centurion Arrow)矮人百夫长专用箭

00020F02 CWArrowShort (Iron Arrow)铁箭

00020DDF CWArrow (Iron Arrow)铁箭

0006DA4F TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmo01 (Dart)标枪 飞镖

0006A0BF DummyArrow (Dart)标枪 飞镖

00052E99 FXDustDropAmmoTiny (Dart)标枪 飞镖

00052E97 FXDustDropAmmoSm (Dart)标枪 飞镖

0003BDF7 FXDustDropAmmoMed (Dart)标枪 飞镖

000236DD TrapDart (Dart)标枪 飞镖

00038341 FalmerArrow (Falmer Arrow)

00034182 DraugrArrow (Ancient Nord Arrow)古诺德箭

000139C0 DaedricArrow (Daedric Arrow)迪德拉的箭

000139BF EbonyArrow (Ebony Arrow)乌木箭

000139BE GlassArrow (Glass Arrow)玻璃箭

000139BD ElvenArrow (Elven Arrow)精灵箭

000139BC DwarvenArrow (Dwarven Arrow)矮人的箭

000139BB OrcishArrow (Orcish Arrow)兽人箭

0001397F SteelArrow (Steel Arrow)钢箭

0001397D IronArrow (Iron Arrow)铁箭


000134AA 蓟丛

0001B3BD 白浆果

0OO1BCBC 加林根

00023D6F 松鹅卵

00023D77 乌鸦卵

0002F44C 夜茄

00034CDD 骨粉

00034CDF 盐堆

00034D22 大蒜

00034D31 精灵耳

00034D32 冰霜甘草

0003AD56 查鲁斯之卵

0003AD5B 魔族的心脏

0003Ad5D 雪精灵耳

0003AD5E 火盐

0003AD5F 霜盐

0003AD60 虚无盐

0003AD61 荆棘之心

0003AD63 灵皮

0003AD64 巨人的脚趾

0003AD66 乌鸦鬼婆的羽毛

0O03AD6A 冰霜怒灵的牙

0003AD6F 雪鼠尾巴

0003AD70 食人鱼鳞

0003AD71 直立根

0003AO72 巨魔脂肪

0003AD73 光尘

0003AD76 吸血鬼的灰烬

0003F7F8 冻土棉

00O45C28 薰衣草

0004BOBA 小麦

0004 DAOO 飞天菇菌

0004DA20 鲜血王冠

0004DA22 白帽子

0004DA23 小恶魔粪

0004DA24 娜米拉的腐坏物

0004 DA25 气泡草

0004DA73 火虫的胸壳

0005076E 茱尼珀尔果

000516C8 死亡丧钟

00052695 烧焦的雪鼠皮毛

00057F91 吊苔

00059b86 奈恩根

00063B5F 树精的树液

0006ABC8 犬型根

0006AC4A 架子湾葡萄

0006B689 乌鸦鬼婆之爪

0006BC00 泥螃蟹壳

0006BC02 熊爪

0006BC04 刀猫牙

0006BC07 刀猫眼

00068C0A 长鹿角

0006BC0B 短鹿角

0006BC0E 幽魂外皮

0006BC10 猛犸牙粉

0006F950 鳞片菇

000705B7 贝瑞特的骨灰

000727DE 蓝蝴蝶**

000727DF 月娥**

000727E0 蝴蝶**

00074A19 盐堆

00077E1C 蓝山花

00077E1d 红山花

00077ElE 紫山花

0007E8B7 沼泽真菌荚

0007 E8C1 巨型藓

0007E8C5 食人鱼卵

0007E8C8 石栖刺莺卵

0007EOF5 诺德腾壶

0007EE01 荧光菇

00083E64 草籽

000854FE 珍珠


《上古卷轴5:天际Nintendo Switch版》美版于2017年11月17日发售,日版2018年早期发售。《上古卷轴5 天际》NS中文版于17年11月18日推出。完整保留了游戏所有内容,收录全部下载内容“黎明守卫”、“炉火”和“龙裔”。

《上古卷轴5:天际》《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》还有《异度之刃2(Xenoblade Chronicles 2)》,开放世界正在NS上蓬勃发展着。






